Books & Edited Volumes
Emily O’Gorman, William San Martín, Mark Carey, and Sandra Swart, (Eds). Routledge Handbook of Environmental History. London and New York: Routledge (2023).
San Martín, W. Governing Inequalities: Nitrogen Knowledge, Policy, and Governance in the Planetary Era (Book manuscript in preparation) |
Environmental Assessments
First International Nitrogen Assessment. Contributing Author, Chapter 29: “A Governance Framework for Better Nitrogen Management.” United Nations Environment Programme - UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology - Global Environment Facility, International Nitrogen Management System (INMS) (Under Contract with Cambridge University Press, Q1 2025)
Open Educational Resources
Marja Bakermans, Amelia Sadlon, and William San Martín (Eds.), Biodiversity Loss in the Age of the Sixth Mass Extinction (Published by OER Commons Open Educational Resources) (2022)
Marja Bakermans, Mickaela Gunnison, and William San Martín (Eds.), Extinction Stories (Published by OER Commons Open Educational Resources) (2021) William San Martín, Energy, Environment, and Society: Global Politics, Technologies, and Ecologies of the Water-Energy-Food Crisis. Full course material (MIT OpenCourseWare and published by OER Commons Open Educational Resources) (2017) |
Journal Articles, Book Chapters, & Book Reviews
Journal Articles, Book Chapters, & Book Reviews
Capozzola, C., San Martín, W. Animal Histories and The Pacific War: Decentering Violence and Destruction. In Bailey, B., Isenberg, A., Landsberg, P. (eds) The US Military and the Pacific Environment:The Making of an American Lake. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas (2025). San Martín, W. Book Review: Thomas D. Rogers. Agriculture’s Energy: The Trouble with Ethanol in Brazil’s Green Revolution. Environmental History, 29, 4 (2024). William San Martín, La Revolución del Nitrógeno en Chile. Expertos, Instituciones y el Desafío de la Sustentabilidad Agrícola [Chile’s Nitrogen Revolution: Experts, Institutions, and the Challenge for Agricultural Sustainability]. In: Sanhueza, C., Valderrama, L. (eds) Historia de la Ciencia y la Tecnología en Chile, Vol. 2 Ciencia e Historia Medioambiental. Editorial Universitaria, Santiago, Chile (2023). Emily O'Gorman, Mark Carey, William San Martín, Sandra Swart, Introduction: Framing Environmental History Today and for the Future. In E. O’Gorman, San Martín, W., Carey, M., Swart, S. (Eds). Routledge Handbook of Environmental History. London and New York: Routledge (2023). Marja Bakermans, Kimberly LeChasseur, Geoffrey Pfeifer, and William San Martín, Who Writes and Who Responds? Gender and Race-based Differences in Open Annotations. Journal of Multicultural Education. 16, 5, 508-521 (2023) *Dossier Awarded the "2023 Open Education Awards for Excellence -Open Research Award" from Open Education Global (OEG) William San Martín and Nathan Wood, "Pluralizing Planetary Justice: Recentering procedural, epistemic, and recognition-based justice in earth-systems governance," Environmental Science & Policy 128: 256-263 (2022) William San Martín, Unequal Knowledge: Justice, Colonialism, and Expertise in Global Environmental Research. Global Environment, 14(2) (2021) William San Martín, Global Nitrogen in Sustainable Development: Four Challenges at the Interface of Science and Policy. In: Leal Filho W., Azul A., Brandli L., Lange Salvia A., Wall T. (eds) Life on Land. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Springer, Cham (2020) Diego Montecino and William San Martín, “Evidence Supporting that Human-subsidized Free-ranging Dogs are the Main Cause of Animal Losses for Small-scale Farmers in Chile,” Ambio. A journal of the Human Environment 48 (3): 240-250 (2019) William San Martín, “Nitrogen, Science, and Environmental Change: The Politics of the Green Revolution in Chile and the Global Nitrogen Challenge,” Javiera Barandiarán and Casey Walsh (eds.) “Production/Destruction in Latin America,” Special Section of the Journal of Political Ecology 24: 777-796 (2017) William San Martín, Hugh S. Gorman, The Story of N. A Social History of the Nitrogen Cycle and the Challenge of Sustainability [Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, New Jersey, and London, 2013] HIB, Revista de Historia Iberoamericana 8 (2015) William San Martín, From Object and Subject. Slavery, Legal Personality, and the Blurring of Servitude in Late Colonial Chile [De objeto y sujeto. Esclavitud, personalidad legal y la decoloración de lo servil en Chile tardo colonial] Revista de Historia Social y de las Mentalidades 17(2): 143-160 (2013) William San Martín, Pablo Piccato, The Tyranny of Opinion. Honor in the Construction of the Mexican Public Sphere [Duke University Press, Durham and London, 2010] in HIB, Revista de Historia Iberoamericana, 1 (2012) William San Martín, Mónica Quijada (Ed.), De los Cacicazgos a la Ciudadanía. Sistemas Políticos en la Frontera, Rio de la Plata, Siglos XVIII-XX [Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut, Gebr. Mann Verlag, Berlin, 2011] in Revista Complutense de Historia de América, Vol. 38, Madrid (2012) William San Martín, Dark Colors and Blurred Status: Defining Ethnicity and the Categories of 'Slave' and 'Free' in Slave Litigation (Santiago, Chile in the Late 18th Century) [Colores Oscuros y Estatus Confusos. El Problema de la Definición de Categorías Étnicas y del Estatus de ‘Esclavo’ y ‘Libre’ en Litigios de Negros, Mulatos y Pardos (Santiago a Fines del Siglo XVIII)] In Alejandra Araya and Jaime Valenzuela (Eds.), Denominaciones, Clasificaciones e Identidades en América Colonial, Santiago, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Instituto de Historia / Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades / RIL (2010) William San Martín, Slavery, Freedom, and Resistance: Towards an Integrated Approach to the Conditions of Blackness in 18thCentury Chile [Esclavitud, Libertades y Resistencias. Hacia una Propuesta Integrativa a las Condiciones de la Negritud en Chile. S. XVIII] Summa Historiae. Journal of Latin American Studies 2(2) (2007) |
Essays & Editorials
William San Martín, “The Forgotten Super Pollutant: An Epilogue on the History of Pollution Governance” NiCHE, 2024
William San Martín, Alexandra Vlachos, and Graeme Wynn, “Epidemics & Ecologies. Reading in the Time of COVID-19” (2020) William San Martín, “Dogs: a Socio-ecological Justice Issue” [Perros: un Problema de Justicia Socio-ambiental] El Mostrador, June 28th 2018 Diego Montecino and William San Martín, “Presidential Candidates: What Do We Do with the Dogs?” [Presidenciables: Y qué hacemos con los perros?] El Mostrador, January 17th 2017 William San Martín and Natalia Duque-Wilckens, “Criticism of the Rodeo and the Paradigm Shift in Chile” [Las Críticas al Rodeo y el Cambio de Paradigmas en Chile] El Mostrador, September 16th 2016 Diego Montecino and William San Martín, “Irresponsible Pet Ownership” [Tenencia Irresponsable de Mascotas] La Tercera, June 21st 2016 Diego Montecino and William San Martín, “Rethinking the Zoo” [A Repensar el Zoologico] El Mostrador, May 25th2016 William San Martín, “Chavez, the Electoral Victory and the Paradigms’ Revolution” [Chávez, la Victoria Electoral y la Revolución de los Paradigmas] Historia Global Online, October 21st 2012 William San Martín, “Abolishing Slavery. Being enslaved and free in late colonial Chile” [Abolición de la esclavitud. Ser esclavo y libre en Chile tardo colonial] Memoria Chilena, August 10th 2008. National Library of Chile, Division of Libraries, Archives and Museums (DIBAM) *Invited piece for the 185th anniversary of the declaration of the abolition of slavery in Chile |